Monday, March 18, 2013

Getting Back to Normal (or something like it)

I checked my email today, and discovered that there were a couple comments on my xanga.  "Really?" I thought.  "Someone still reads that?"

They turned out to be vague and spammish, but I took the opportunity to read over some of my old entries, and then I clicked over to Ravelry and it felt strangely empty.  Somehow a life full of knitting doesn't quite compare to how a life full of writing used to feel.  I'm not sure what I want to do in the face of that realization.

I was sick yesterday.  I was amused to note that part of it was really nice (the part where I got to stay in bed and read knitting magazines while sipping Sprite while in the distance I could hear my husband vacuuming and playing patty-cake with Silas), the rest was about what you'd expect - writhing in agony on the bathroom floor in between bouts of dry heaving and the horrible-yet-glorious-relief of actually throwing up.

Today I feel much better, and I am looking forward with great anticipation to eating something other than soda crackers and chicken broth.

I finally, finally, finally finished my Belle Ruffle fingerless gloves last month.

I wore them out on Saturday with my new purple coat and the paisley scarf Amber gave me eons ago and I felt very colorful and uniquely styled.  Indeed, while I was standing in line at the cafe in BAM! I looked around and thought, "For once in my life, I think I might fit in to a scene."  Of course, then I took my iced chai and my copy of VogueKnitting, stripped off my coat and gloves, and used the scarf as a nursing cover up, got lots of funny looks from the college crowd, and the feeling kind of dissipated.  A few minutes later Ryan got out of Best Buy and tapped on the window, and Silas's face lit up and they waved and cooed at each other while I improvised the scarf into a kind of sling so that I could carry the heaviest baby in the world on my hip without collapsing from the effort (he's getting so big!), and I mused that being a creative Mom with a happy baby and a great husband was an even better feeling.

As we were checking out at the bookstore the cashier gushed over how pretty and cool the gloves were, too, so my day was officially made.

On the needles right now I have a baby dress that I was mostly making for the sheer joy of making a tiny dress, and tentatively it was going to be for one friend's new baby girl if I could complete it before she'd outgrow it, but then I found out that my friend Angel is having a baby girl in a few months, which gives me time not only to finish this dress (optimistically), but also hopefully to make some accessories to go with it, because I've had my eye on a couple baby patterns from Jane Austen Knits, Fall 2012 . . .

I made Silas a pair of fingerless gloves because his hands are often freezing, and because the whimsy of making teeny tiny fingerless gloves is not lost on me, but thus far he refuses to wear them.  He cries when I try to put them on him, and he'll pull them off with his teeth as soon as he gets the chance.  I'm debating whether it's worth weaving in the ends and blocking them.  They are very darn cute.

I made a little progress on my snowflake afghan, and then ran out of yarn, so that's back on the back burner for now.  I spent way too much at the LYS a few days ago; there will be no more yarn for a good long time. My stash is looking pretty comfortable right now compared with my queue, and I'm thinking if I can get my sewing machine back from storage that I might delve into some non-yarn related projects for a change of pace.  I've been in the kitchen more lately and I could really use a couple of aprons.

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